Visit the Tāhūrangi website here:
MoE Notice – 23rd February
Tāhūrangi has been designed to house content that supports effective teaching and learning across Te Whāriki: He Whāriki mātauranga mō ngā mokopuna o Aotearoa Early Childhood Curriculum, Te Marautanga o Aotearoa, and The New Zealand Curriculum.
Tāhūrangi is full of the features you would expect of a modern online curriculum hub, making it easy to find, organise, download, and share curriculum content.
We’re currently moving content from more than 70 different education websites onto this new ‘one-stop-shop’ for curriculum content, teaching resources, and news.
As we move content, we’re undertaking a peer review to check it is fit-for-purpose, relevant and adheres to accessibility criteria as much as possible.
As we move content onto Tāhūrangi, the website that previously housed the material will no longer be publicly available. Teachers will still have access to relevant and up-to-date content – it will simply change location and be housed on Tāhūrangi. Some things may look or feel a little different, but we think you’ll find them easier to use.
The good news is that, once content from our 70+ websites has been moved, all the quality teaching resources you need will be right here.