Term 2 – 2024

Term 2 goes from Monday 29 April to Friday 5 July (96 half days).   Term 2 has two public holidays to keep in mind: King’s Birthday (Monday 3 June). […]

Term 3

Term 3 is from Monday 22 July to Friday 27 September 2024. There are no public holidays during Term 3.

TENZ Wednesday Webinar | Product Design Resources

Introducing Product Design in a world of woodwork and metalwork; project ideas which include a range of skills, manufacturing process and mixed materials which will stimulate and engage independent learning […]

Sorted Money Month

Money Month is the annual public awareness and engagement campaign coordinated by Te Ara Ahunga Ora in partnership with the financial capability community. This campaign previously ran for a week, […]

Taima ki te kōrero | General NCEA Level 1 Support Session

General NCEA Level 1 support session.  Kaiārahi will be covering FAQ regarding the recently released externals for level 1 Technology standards.  Kaiako can drop in and ask about any internal/externals […]

Maths Week/Wiki Pāngarau

Maths Week was established by the New Zealand Association of Mathematics Teachers (NZAMT) in 1998.  It is a premier mathematics event in the New Zealand school calendar, gaining the attention […]

TENZ Wednesday Webinar | The International Antarctic Centre

Introduction to the Antarctic Centre – how we excite and educate people about the wonders and importance of Antarctica.  Explain the Antarctic Education Programmes: three main curriculum areas: Social Science, […]

Conservation Week | Te Wiki Tiaki Ao Tūroa

Conservation Week is an annual event run by the Department of Conservation (DOC). In 2024 Conservation week take place on 2-8 September. Conservation Week was originally launched in 1969 by […]

Taima ki te kōrero | VET Reform Webinars

Join us to discuss the Government’s proposed VET reforms (vocational education and training). With the submission deadline of September 12th fast approaching, this event is designed to support you in […]

Te Wiki o te Reo Māori

Rāhoroi 14 – Rāhoroi 21 o Hepetema 2024. Māori Language Week has been celebrated in Aotearoa since 1975. This special week is an opportunity for the concentrated celebration and promotion of […]

New Zealand Chinese Language Week

New Zealand Chinese Language Week is a Kiwi-driven initiative launched in 2014 by Chair Jo Coughlan and Raymond Huo. NZCLW is designed to increase Chinese language learning in New Zealand. […]

TENZ Wednesday Webinar | Luma Project Case Study

Local curriculum is the focus, how to get projects off the ground wherever educators are starting small, medium and large projects. Examples of over 6 projects, various sizes. Luma is […]

Te ‘Gana Tuvalu – Tuvalu Language Week

The theme for Tuvalu Language Week 2024, ‘Taofi mau ki tau ‘gana, mo tou gaugaleo, me ko tou iloga tena’ which means ‘Uphold your language and dialect, for it is […]

Macawa ni Vosa Vakaviti – Fijian Language Week

Bula Vinaka! Fijian Language Week is part of an annual series of Pacific language weeks that aim to promote and raise awareness of the diversity of our Pacific languages in […]

Faahi Tapu he Vagahau Niue – Niue Language Week

Fakaalofa atu! Niue Language Week is part of an annual series of Pacific language weeks that aim to promote and raise awareness of the diversity of our Pacific languages in […]

Term 4

Term 4 is from Monday 14 October to no later than Friday 20 December. There is one public holiday during Term 4 – Labour Day (Monday 28 October).