Don’t be put off by the word science!
This Prize is for a registered kaiako teacher who is teaching science, technology, mathematics, pūtaiao, hangarau or pāngarau learning areas of the New Zealand Curriculum to school aged children in a secondary, intermediate, primary school or kura kaupapa.
This is a fabulous opportunity for a teacher and their school.
Are you a teacher that has a passion for science, technology or maths? Do you inspire akonga students, staff, and those in your hapori community and beyond? If this sounds like you, TENZ encourages you to seek nomination for the Puiaki Kaiwhakaako Pūtaiao – The Prime Minister’s Science Teacher Prize.
The Prize is worth $150,000.
The 2022 round is now open. Click on the following link for more information. Te Puiaki Kaiwhakaako Pūtaiao The Prime Minister’s Science Teacher Prize
Applications close: 1 pm, 18 October 2022.