Canterbury DigiAwards

All Y0–8 students from the Canterbury region can enter the DigiAwards, including home-schooled children and students who attend Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu in the Canterbury region. Grow Waitaha encourages ākonga from Māori medium schools to submit entries in te reo Māori. Entries need to support this year’s theme – Tō pitomata, He rua […]

Prime Minister’s Vocational Excellence Award

Each year, every state and state-integrated secondary school can nominate a single candidate to be presented with a Prime Minister’s Vocational Excellence Award.  

Proposals for Space for Planet Earth Challenge

The Space for Planet Earth Challenge  is seeking innovative ideas to address carbon sequestration and coral health in the region. The Challenge is open to residents of New Zealand, Australia and the Pacific Islands. Check the website for links to Q+A and a virtual Briefing. More information is on the TENZ Community,Y11-13 and Tertiary Forums

GrowingNZ Innovation Challenge | Dunedin

This fast-paced, one-day competition is for teams of Year 10 (14–15-year-old) students with an interest in technology, science, or business. The challenge requires students to apply their subject knowledge and design and build a prototype solution to a real-life situation being faced by New Zealand’s largest export sector.